Figensoft is a leading software company in messaging services and digital payment solutions. Figensoft has been growing rapidly since its establishment in 1997.Figensoft has offices in Turkey, Azerbaijan, North Cyprus, and Georgia. Thanks to its offices in 4 countries and global partnerships it provides worldwide services.
Figensoft is one of the 50 fastest-growing technology companies in Turkey (Deloitte Fast 50 Turkey Winner) and one of the 500 fastest-growing technology companies in EMEA (Deloitte Fast 500 EMEA Winner ) for several years. As a GSMA associate member, it is dedicated to telecommunications and messaging business.
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Страны присутствия
Турция, Грузия, Кипр, Азербайджан, Алжир, Иран, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Ирак, Израиль, Катар, Египет, Бахрейн, Иордания, Кувейт, Ливан, Ливия, Марокко, Оман, Саудовская Аравия, Сомали, Судан, Тунис, Йемен
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