Nikita Mobile LLC

Nikita Mobile LLC


Nikita Mobile is a prominent mobile marketing and e-commerce company in the region, renowned for its leadership in delivering commerce services.
The services provided by the company include but are not limited to:

  • Mobile content services
  • SMS Viber marketing/notifications
  • Call center services
  • Technical support for SMS-based surveys, quizzes
  • Mid-mobile identification and electronic signature

Nikita Mobile has serious partnerships globally, providing only direct and clean routes. We are proud to serve our clientele all around the globe!
Our Mission: Fostering Transparent Collaboration

Предоставляемые услуги


Страны присутствия

Армения, Беларусь, Казахстан, Республика Молдова

Охватываемые отрасли

Banking, Розничная торговля, Здравоохранение, Финансы и страхование, Gambling & Casinos