Sama Telecom ltd.

Sama Telecom ltd.


Sama Telecom is a telecommunications company established in 2008 and a GSMA-certified voice carrier and SMS hub, in addition to being a member of MEF and ITU organizations. 

We provide various services, including Voice, Messaging, VAS, Gateway Management, Communication Channels, Business Messaging, and Professional Services. 

Sama Telecom’s team consists of vibrant multinational professionals who manage an extensive network and customer base, delivering the best solutions. Over the years, Sama has operated countless projects, partnered with key players and secured a place among the most active and credible telecom companies in the MENA region and internationally.

Предоставляемые услуги


Страны присутствия

Ливан, Саудовская Аравия, Ирак, Иордания, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Кувейт, Египет, Оман, Турция, Бахрейн, Кипр, Алжир, Марокко, Ливия, Йемен, Судан, Иран, Израиль, Катар, Тунис

Охватываемые отрасли

IT и телекомоммуникации, telecom